TMJ 2 / CranioSacral

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TMJ 2 / CranioSacral

Life on a daily basis.  The body continues to function, we eat, sleep, walk, etc.  And then an event of daily living that can disrupt normal body function or movement.  Not too long ago I posted the blog on TMJ and TMJ dysfunction.   I am going to relate to you a recent experience I had.

Occasionally I get hit with nasty migraines – maybe once a year.   One of them came to visit and stayed for two days ending ...

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How often have you heard someone say “I have TMJ”?

In truth, we each have two TMJ’s.  TMJ is common abbreviation for the Temporomandibular Joint.  We have a left TMJ and a right TMJ.  There is an articular disc between the temporal bone and the mandible.   The TMJ is a synovial joint.  The subtype is a modified hinge allowing us to open and close our mouth; speaking, chewing, yawning.

TMJ dysfunction is a general term that applies to any abnormal function of the TMJ.  ...

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