Almost there

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Almost there

26 more days of recovery and then I will be able to get back to work!   So looking forward to that.

Today in physical therapy we added in some upper body work.  I have always been a firm believer that the entire body is integrated and thoroughly connected head to toe.  When we added the upper body work today I felt my body ‘sing’ to be able to address not only the lower back and legs as it related to the back surgery but the upper body not getting some long ignored attention.

It was also encouraging to hear the PT say “you are stronger than the average person we see”.   That made me smile and I replied “I want to continue to age gracefully”.  Taking care of the body with plenty of sleep, eating the correct type of food to fuel the body and watching the fluid intact as well as prayer and meditation are all part of taking care of the integrated whole body, then adding in the weight bearing exercise, aerobics and stretching, the body becomes happy as it tries to find a level balance (homeostasis).

I will be ready to see you in January for massage therapy or craniosacral work.   It’s going to be a great 2015.



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