Achilles (Calcaneal) Tendon

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Achilles (Calcaneal) Tendon

The common name for the Calcaneal Tendon is best known as Achilles Tendon.   This is a major tendon for the legs and one of the longer tendons in your body.  The tendon stretches from the heel to the calf muscles.  Interestingly for women, wearing high heels increases the stress on the tendon.   Non-athletes, amateur athletes or professional athletes can have an Achilles tendon injury.

You have probably all heard the Greek myth:  The baby Achilles was foretold that he would die young.  His mother Thetis took him to the River Styx and dipped him in the water which was to offer invulnerability.  When she dipped him in the water she was holding him by his heel.  Achilles grew to be a man of war who survived many battles.   In one battle he was shot by a poisonous arrow that hit him and lodged in the heel.  He died a short time later.   We use the term “Achilles heel” referring to a vulnerable, weak spot.

As a massage therapist I routinely check the Achilles tendon during massage.  If I find the tendon tight I will give the client some stretches to do.  Over-stretching of the tendon should be avoided.

I have had 7 different friends over the years whose Achilles tendon actually ruptured and the calf muscles rolled up like a shade.  They required surgery and had to use a scooter until the tendon healed.   You don’t want to have to go through that experience.  Have your massage therapist check it for tightness and get some stretches to keep it limber help to avoid injury.



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