I have had a client come to me for massage to work on whiplash issues related to a fairly severe auto accident which happened a year ago. After 3 appointments she was getting relief but there was still some vague area she could not describe but that was not being addressed.
I suggested she try a cranio-sacral therapy.
I have heard people explain cranio-sacral therapy as the human version of a computer soft reboot. There is much more science behind the work. I would enjoy explaining it to you. The work is extremely light – the weight of a nickel, and very powerful.
It is now 8 months later. She began coming in twice a week to begin, switching to weekly for a month, then twice a month for several months and now just monthly. She will request a regular massage every now and then but usually requests the cranio-sacral work. As she explained to me, that therapy relaxes the entire body more than any other modalities she has tried. Her issues related to the whiplash are completely gone.
Curious ? Book an appointment to experience the cranio-sacral therapy.
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