Following doctor’s orders

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Following doctor’s orders

James Ulibarri, MD with the Sheridan Orthopedic Associates was the surgeon who did the 5 1/2 hour surgery on my back in October.  Dr. Ulibarri did a fantastic job and I would highly recommend him.

When I awoke in the recovery room I immediately noticed the severe pain I had been experiencing in the low back and down the right leg was gone.  What a fantastic relief !  I was in the hospital for 3 days and in a transition wing for 4 days.  The rehabilitation folks had me up walking the next day.  Short walks down the hall with the walker but I was moving and without pain.

With help from many dear friends, the transition to being at home alone was not too daunting.  I had help with dry shampooing my hair and wash cloth baths.  I am grateful to those who brought over food and spent time with me.

Rolling through the post surgery recovery process brought new insights daily.  I think it was about 10 days after surgery when I noticed nerve tingling completely around each leg from top to bottom.  It seemed to me that the pain medication packs at the incision points were wearing off and allowing the nerves to begin communicating again.  That sensation only lasted about 8 hours and then on to the next insight.

The aspect that caught me off guard was the emotional ups and downs that began around 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery.  Some folks term it post-surgical depression.  As I have learned through my work training to listen to my body and take an inventory of what was going on during the time, interestingly the organs were trying to communicate and specifically the pancreas.  I also spoke with some professional medical friends and they gave me helpful suggestions; fluids,, fluids, fluids, vitamin B complex, walking to help alleviate the wave.   Each time the emotional wave would begin, I continued to try to listen to my body and what was prompting the wave and where was it beginning.  It was as if the organs were trying to process out the anesthesia and medications.   At the times when the wave of emotion would begin (and they could get quite intense) I would go to prepare food being only  protein and green vegetables or fruit and green vegetables smoothies.   With 30 minutes of eating the emotional wave had leveled out quite a bit.   Along with some self work I also incorporated the assistance of friends to send Reiki energy to my pancreas.  The emotional ups and downs are no longer happening.   I do continue to be diligent with the fluid intake and the best  food to fuel and heal the body.

My recovery has also included walking.  When I began walking at the hospital 10 minutes was a bit of a stretch.  I can now walk an hour at a time and try to do that twice daily.

Since I have always worked since the time I was 15 (except for when I had my babies) being off work for 12 weeks has presented its own healing opportunity and challenge.  My priorities have shifted and I will be modifying my work schedule when I get back to it in January.

For each of us our body, mind and spirit are our biggest assets and need to be guarded, nurtured and protected.   Our body wants to heal itself.   It is a gift to be able to listen to it.   I very much look forward to getting back to work and being able to assist my clients with massage and craniosacral therapies.   I am positive this  surgery and recovery period will make me a even better and more attuned therapist than I was.


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