Hydro therapy can be an extremely valuable tool during massage, after an injury or just as a stand alone therapy for many medicinal purposes.
Hydro therapy includes hot water, tepid water, cool water, ice, hot stones that area heated to 112-120 degrees in hot water.
I have worked on several sprained ankles using a contrast bath. In this therapy we use a two sided bucket with one side holding cold water 40-55 degrees F and the other side holding hot water 100-110 degrees F. Adhering to a specific timed sequence with the foot and ankle in one side of the bucket and then switching to the other side of the bucket the ‘contrast’ is produced. Since ligaments and tendons do not have direct blood supply such a muscle does, the contrast between hot water which sedates and the cold water which stimulates and can aid the healing of the sprain more quickly.
If you have a sprained ankle I would be happy to do the Hot and Cold Contrast Footbath for you.
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