Many times I hear clients say they have a rotator cuff tear or injury. I ask them specifically if they know which of the four muscles making up the rotator cuff was injured. Most of them are unaware that the rotator cuff is made up of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis muscles. Any muscle can actually tear or partially tear. The muscles of the rotator cuff are no exception to that.
On occasion a client may have heard the term “rotator cuff injury” but has not had an MRI to verify if a muscle was torn. Often a deep tissue massage of the shoulder girdle can release muscles that have adhesions and free up the shoulder. Certainly if there is continual pain or an acute injury or event, going to the doctor and having it checked is in order.
If you have shoulder discomfort or stiffness, reduced range of motion or are just curious, book your massage appointment and request work on the shoulders.
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