I recently had a client come in who had been hit in the face while crouched down by a neighbor’s very large dog who thought it was time to play and head butted her. After 3 craniosacral treatments the vision in the eye was pretty much back to normal but not all the way.
We focused on the sphenoid bone which acts as the back wall of the eye socket. That worked helped the vision even more. While I was working on her, it came to me that we had not done any work in the mouth as part of the bones that articulate inside the head. Being trained to do craniosacral work through the Upledger Institute I have additional protocols that work the inside of the mouth, the nasal bones,etc. I wear a glove to work in the mouth. The work is very light.
On her next appointment we checked the hard palate for flexion, extension, torsion and shear. We were able to make corrections and she left feeling much better.
This type of in the mouth work can be beneficial for folks who have had dental work, car accidents, facial injuries. It’s another tool to add to your wellness routine.
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